Monday, April 25, 2011



  1. Vid 1
    On July of 1945 President Truman met with 2 other leading allies and super powers of WWII. These allies were Churchill the president of Great Britain and Joseph Stalin the dictator of the Soviet Union. Although world peace had been secured after WWII there was a growing rift between the allies. This rift was caused by the two separate ideas of government. The U.S and Great Britain believed in liberal democracy. On the other hand the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism throughout Europe. During the Potsdam Conference President Truman asked Stalin to call the troops back from Germany and hold the promised election in the Soviet. However, Stalin refuses by saying that the region is a buffer zone and is necessary for the security of the nation. Truman is not convinced and allows for the Manhattan Project. A nuclear bomb is created and tested just in case problems arise with the Soviet Union.

  2. Vid 2
    During the Potsdam Conference the allies agreed to split Germany into 4 occupation zones. They split it between Great Britain, U.S, Soviet Union, and France. The Soviet Union wanted to gain control Berlin because they believed that by controlling Berlin they would control Germany and in turn Europe. In order to complete this the Soviet Union tried to push the U.S out of Berlin with the Berlin Blockade. This closed the roads, cut the power, and tried to starve the people into submission. To contradict the blockade the U.S created the Berlin Airlift. This surpassed the Berlin Blockade by delivering food and medical supplies to Berlin on behalf of Britain and the U.S. Finally, the Soviet gave in and got rid of the blockade. Germany is then split into west and east. The U.S has influences in the west with a democratic government while the Soviet has influences in the east with communism. The NATO was formed. It was an alliance between the U.S, Canada, 10 European nations, and new armed west Germany. This military organization was mimicked by the Soviet Union's Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact was basically the same as the NATO, but with the Soviet Union and its allies. In 1949 communism exploded all over the world. For example, China, Cambodia, Louise, Vietnam, and Korea all gained communist governments. This brings the Cold War dangerously close to WWIII.

  3. During 1950 Korea was split between a communist North and a anti-communist South. That same year Kim IL-sung the dictator of North Korea convinced Stalin to help him invade South Korea's Syngman Rhee. Stalin agreed to provide Kim with military hardware. Kim would provide the troops and Chinese Dictator would provide Chinese reinforcements if necessary. Kim expected an easy victory. However, the U.S stepped in with U.N forces and fought off the South Korean army. With some difficulty the U.S regained control of South Korea.

  4. FBI fears that communist propaganda is spreading through motion pictures. A lot of actors and Hollywood producers are held at trial. The Hollywood 10 refuse to answer questions under the first amendment. The U.S begins to search for spies. For example, Rosenberg is sentenced to the electric chair for treachery.

  5. My opinion on the videos I watched over the Cold War was that it was basically a struggle to define the world as communist or liberal democracy. On one hand, the U.S wanted to spread liberal democracy and on the other hand the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism. It was also a struggle to define which super power would control Europe. The Soviet Union was convinced that by controlling Berlin they would in tun control Germany and all of Europe. Also, at this time communism was spreading like wildfire. China, Cambodia, and North Korea became communist countries. I think that this struggle is still going on today. However, it was a lot worse during the Cold War because so many lives were lost in the battle versus democracy and communism.
