Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chicano Movement

A Documentary History of the Mexican Americans
by: Wayne Moquin
Pgs. 386-392

Chicano was a term used to describe Mexican-Americans.
It was a term used to desribe those that weren't completely
Mexican, but not entirely American either.

Types of food like pozole, menudo, and burritos began during
this time period due to the new Chicano recipes and way of
preparing the food. It was a way to express Chicano pride and
not accept normal American meals.

Chicanos movement strived for equality through education.
Chicanos wanted to educate other Chicanos about politics
and the economy. Also, they encouraged Chicanos to practice
their Mexican cultures and not let the predominant Anglo society
change them.

chicano power

Chicanos believed strongly that they were not minorities.
They wanted equal education and respect of their culture.

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